Bonocler Stylish Sunglasses
The Sunglasses from Bonocler reviewed on FashionHunters!
#Eyewear #Bonocler #SwissBrand #NewBrands #Sunglasses
Bonocler I wear, Timeless striking frames for every day.

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Consultant, Bern

My Sunglasses

I was looking for a stylish pair of sunglasses that wouldn't break the bank.
The packaging

Comes in a nice minimal stylish case and a cleaning cloth.
If you have a Bonocler Eyewear Abo (subscription) you get to change your look every now&then!

Pretty darn stylish

My Look

Those sunglasses are just perfect!
Very sleek and minimal, lightweight but sturdy!
No fuss, just a perfect fit for my face 😉
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Fun Facts about eyewear
British singer Elton John is well known for his love of wacky cool sunglasses. It is no surprise that he owns the largest personal collection of sunglasses in the world at around 20,000 pairs!
View more cool stuff from Bonocler!
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